The American Bigfoot Society receives witness reports, and even though we may not have an investigator in the area of the specific report, we work to get that report to an investigator who may not be a member of the American Bigfoot Society.
The American Bigfoot Society believes it is critical to get reports investigated as soon as possible.
In those situations the American Bigfoot Society contacts researchers who are independents or members of established organizations, who then contact the witness and investigate the sighting. They then send the information back to the American Bigfoot Society, and the information contained within that report and investigation being used by all involved, but only the investigating party will input the sighting information into their data base.
The American Bigfoot Society also provides this service for other organized groups and individual researchers who recieve reports but do not have the ability or the personell to investigate the report.
The American Bigfoot Society is pleased to be working with individual researchers and organized groups, and will continue to work toward this goal.