To be sure the ABS is functioning as a professional and ethical organization the following "Ethical Code of Conduct" has been developed by the Board of Directors for the American Bigfoot Society.
These codes of conduct take affect day one (1) of member acceptance of the invitation to the American Bigfoot Society as either a Probationary Member or a Full Member.
For a complaint to be considered a valid complaint, it must have a valid email address for a return response, and must contain the complainants first and last name. This information will be verified by the ABS President, Vice President or Sgt at Arms.
Anonymous complaints will not be considered valid and will be dismissed.
1. Evidence;
(a) Members/Investigators will not falsify or elaborate in the preparation or investigation of a witness report or on scene investigation.
(b) Members/Investigators shall not tamper with or destroy evidence.
(c) Members/Investigators shall not suppress evidence.
(d) Members/Investigators shall be deemed to have a duty to bring all evidence to the notice of other members and to seek expert advice when possible through the ABS Directors.
(e) Members/Investigators should allow qualified scientists free access to evidence that they have collected through the ABS Directors.
2. Members/Investigators will not be involved in/or conceal evidence of hoaxing. All Members/Investigators must report any evidence of hoaxing to the American Bigfoot Society Directors immediately. This applies to evidence of hoaxing by witnesses or Members/Investigators of the American Bigfoot Society.
3. Members/Investigators will not withhold information gathered from any investigation or official American Bigfoot Society expeditions.
4. Members/Investigators will not delay or impede the process of an investigation.
5. Members/Investigators will not harass or intimidate witnesses, Full Members or Probationary Members of the American Bigfoot Society.
6. Members/Investigators will not accept gifts or gratuities from witnesses. Members/Investigators will not give gifts, or money to witnesses for any reason. Any requests for gifts or money will be reported immediately to the American Bigfoot Society Directors. If any Member/ Investigator does accept gifts or gratuities they will report this immediately to the American Bigfoot Society Directors.
7. Members/Investigators will not knowingly destroy, damage, or steal property that does not belong to them. This applies to property belonging to a witness and/or a member of the American Bigfoot Society.
8. Members/Investigators will not take illegal drugs during Official American Bigfoot Society investigations or field expeditions. Members/Investigators will not consume alcohol during Official American Bigfoot Society night time field operations/investigations or day time investigations/field operations.
*Prescription medications will not be at issue*.
9. Members/Investigators will not disclose witness information or identify witnesses on any forum that is not an official American Bigfoot Society website designated for such a purpose.
10. All Members/Investigators who receive a report via the American Bigfoot Society will contact the witness via email or phone within 48 hours of receipt of the report, and notify the Board of Directors (or your Regional Leader first if you have been assigned to one) that they have done so.
American Bigfoot Society Directors:
Melissa Hovey Billy Willard Wayne Larsen Toby Tollman Kelly Fain Mike Frazee
Regional Leader(s) (This list will grow as our organization grows):
Tommy Ray: Southeastern Regional Leader.
11. Members/Investigators will not speak publicly or privately (on or off the American Bigfoot Society message boards or expeditions) about the personal lives of Members/Investigators of the American Bigfoot Society or about any action being taken against either a Full Member or Probationary. Issues within the American Bigfoot Society are internal issues and will remain as such.
12. If any American Bigfoot Society Members/Investigators has information of any violations of the approved "Ethical Code of Conduct," they will report that information to the Sgt at Arms (Wayne Larsen [email protected]) immediately.
13. Members/Investigators will not conceal known violations of the "Ethical Code of Conduct."
14. Any Members/Investigators attending an organized expedition or regional expedition MUST notify the organizer of the event if they are carrying a weapon, such as a handgun or rifle, immediately.
This "Ethical Code of Conduct" will be upheld and followed by every Member/Investigator of the American Bigfoot Society Organization, to include the American Bigfoot Society Board of Directors, Members and Probationary Members. Any and all violations of the above "Ethical Code of Conduct" may terminate membership immediately.
The American Bigfoot Society is taking a proactive stance, to ensure our members always conduct themselves with the highest professional standards, and ethics. Witnesses can be certain their reports are taken seriously and will be investigated as thoroughly as possible by Members of the American Bigfoot Society.
All complaints should be directed to the official American Bigfoot Society email address:
The American Bigfoot Society Directors reserves the right to dismiss any alleged violations deemed to be frivolous or a complaint which the Directors feel is a personal vendetta. These policies are place for the most serious violations, as noted above.