Date report was taken:12-30-08 Date of observation: 12-24-08 at approximately 4:00 am Time of day: Early morning hours of 12-24-08 Weather conditions: Snowing, approximate windspeed was 1 knot. Cloud cover with no stars visible.
Total duration of activity: Approximately 2 and a half minutes.
Location of Encounter: Boyd County, Kentucky
The animal in question could not be seen, therefore a description can not be given.
The animal in question was on an adjoining piece of property. Due to the location of the alleged animal, the witness was unable to search for tracks.
Footsteps were heard first, then the vocalization. Witness reports the footsteps approximately 50 yards from his home were so loud he thought they were near his house. The witnesses stated he felt the animal in question must have been of a large size.
Were vocalizations heard? Yes Recordings made: No Number of vocals heard: One
Duration of each vocal: Approximately a second and a half. Dogs in the area then began to bark and witness reports his dogs took off after whatever was making the vocalizations. A couple minutes later his dogs returned.
Type of vocals heard: Grunting type vocalization.
Description of Vocals heard: Very loud, very deep and gave the witness the impression this vocalization came from an animal of a large size. When the witness was asked to try and mimic the sound of the alleged vocalization the witness then gave what sounded like a "grunt". The witness then stated he could not mimic the vocalizations deepness or loudness, but what he attempted was as close as he could get. The witness also reported when he heard the vocalization he felt what he could only describe as a "rumbling" in his chest. The witnesses stated he had never experienced that feeling before, and it frightened him.
The witness states he has been an avid hunter for most of his life, but he has never heard any animal make this noise.
Witness also reports hearing what he thought was walking around his home. But, when he looked out to investigate the sounds, he realized the animal in question must have been at least 50 feet away, and not on his property, due to the sound of cracking ice. This cracking ice could have only come from the neighbors property which holds a creek, roughly 50 feet away. Witness reports he grabbed a flash light and looked in the direction from which the sounds came while inside his home. When I asked if the witness heard the sound of water being splashed, the witness stated "No, but I heard the ice on the creek crack, so whatever it was cracked the ice".
Snow from the night melted the next day, so the witness felt finding any tracks from the early morning events would be unlikely also, due to the location of activity (someone elses property), the witness was unwilling to investigate onto the adjoining property to look for tracks.
Number of witnesses: (3) Witnesses parents were home, but were sleeping so they are unable to confirm or deny what was heard.
Witness reports no past encounters with any other large upright primates. The witness also denies filing any reports with any other Organization, Independent Researcher or any group identifying themselves as interested in the subject of Bigfoot. Witness also denies any alcohol consumption or drug usage the night of this event. The witness spoke in a very matter of fact tone, and seemed to have more questions than answers. I was able to corroborate his statements that he had in fact spoken with a woman (who will be addressed as witness B) within 2 days of this event. Witness B states this witness was very upset, and nervous about what he had experienced 2 days prior. Witness B stated the witness did not change his story when questioned by her. When I spoke with Witness B, she relayed the details of their conversation, which was consistent with the details told to myself by the witness reporting the events of this encounter. When the witness was questioned about why he was awake at such an hour. The witness reports he has bouts of insomnia and is often awake until 4 a.m.
During my telephone interview with this witness I attempted (on a number of occasions) to change details, the witness corrected this investigator and added nothing to embellish his report. I also asked him if he was aware of any other reports around his area, he denied any knowledge of encounters that had been reported to any other organization identified as interested in the topic of Bigfoot. I then went on to ask if he had heard any "stories" locally. The witness then said he has heard many stories from around the area over the years, mainly from hunters who talk about strange vocalizations, smells etc., but they are unwilling to discuss the entire scenario or talk to investigators.
While the witness lives in a populated area, this area is very wooded, and does have a history of alleged bigfoot sightings in and around the county. This investigator can not account for reported activity around populated areas, but the area where this witness lives is heavily wooded, and this area does abut the Ohio River. The witness states that others in the community have made comments about hearing strange vocalizations over the years, some avid hunters, but none at this time are willing to come forward with details for fear of ridicule. There is also a history of sightings (as reported by other Organizations) in and around this area.
With the help of an investigator in the State of Kentucky, I will identify as "Mary", I was able to obtain photos of the area, which are included with this report.
I am unable to verify what the witness heard or experienced in the early morning hours of December 24th 2008. The witness has agreed to work with this investigator, in an ongoing capacity and deploy recording equipment and keep a journal of any future activity.
This case will remain open, and details updated as information is obtained.
Boyd County Statistics:
Boyd County is located in the state of Kentucky. The county sits on 160 square miles at the northeastern edge of Kentucky on the banks of the Ohio River and Big Sandy River, resting in the hills of Appalachia.